So it's been about 2 months now that I have been trying to get the laundry room people to redo the floors and the walls. It look like a jail cell down there, but a fancy one because it has a washer and dryer. A few actually. But who wants to go into the dark basement with tiles missing on the floor, alone, to wash their clothes? I don't, but I have to. We have a great opportunity to make this building beautiful. But if I do not get the cooperation from the companies that have to do the job because WE HAVE A CONTRACT WITH THEM, and they have to do the job, we will have to continue to wash our clothes in a jail cell. I'm not okay with this.
I was thinking of doing the floors a solid color and the walls the opposite color. Something artsy, but not to insane. Something calm, but exciting. Orange and Blue perhaps? Any suggestions?
Let hope they get it together. I will post pictures when it gets done and give props to the person who gave me the color idea :)