Okay, I know, we all fart. It's a fact. But why would you let one loose in the elevator? Knowing that other people may use it shortly after? I mean C Mon! You use the elevator to get to the first floor, to go outside, right? Or of course if you are coming back into the building, and do not want to use the stairs. But, chances are, you came from outside. So why not let the gas flow before you enter the building? It isn't right to force my nostrils to flair in such a closed no way out space. I have a really hard time dealing with gross things, like spit, old food, someone asking me for a sip of my milk (gross), smelling other people's farts in elevators, ect. Just seems to me that if you cannot control your gassy ass functions, then you may need to to see a doctor. Just sayin.........
So please, whoever you are, just be mindful of other people and leave that gas outside. Thank you.
Gina, The Apartment Manager
In this blog, I will be sharing my every day experiences with all of you as an apartment manager. There are some very interesting moments in my days and nights. Some of them are hilarious..some shocking..but most of the time they are just plain crazy! I will also be posting links for laws, trying the best of my knowledge to help those who may have a simple question about rights as a resident. Please feel free to ask questions, comment and or just simply read along!
About Me
You Gotta Tell Me!!!!! When you see a bug.
This goes out to everyone who is renting an apartment. It is crucial that you tell the manager when you see a bug. I see one, and I freak. I don't understand how you can be so comfortable living with creepy crawlers!!
We had an inspection, sounds good right? Well it wasn't. I open a door to one unit, and it looks like the bugs were too comfortable. I saw them drinking a beer, sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. I'm kidding, but they may as well have!
I am a good person. I am, but when I see things like this, the first thing that comes to my mind is drop kicking someone until they admit they knew the creepy little suckas were there! Don't you want them OUT??? I'm scared.
On a better note, Things have been looking up in the building. People are nicer, cleaner, and we all get along. I don't want to end this blog with something negative, not my steeze.
With that said, have respect for your neighbors, and call the manager to they can call pest control! EVEN if you only see one!!!
We had an inspection, sounds good right? Well it wasn't. I open a door to one unit, and it looks like the bugs were too comfortable. I saw them drinking a beer, sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. I'm kidding, but they may as well have!
I am a good person. I am, but when I see things like this, the first thing that comes to my mind is drop kicking someone until they admit they knew the creepy little suckas were there! Don't you want them OUT??? I'm scared.
On a better note, Things have been looking up in the building. People are nicer, cleaner, and we all get along. I don't want to end this blog with something negative, not my steeze.
With that said, have respect for your neighbors, and call the manager to they can call pest control! EVEN if you only see one!!!
Hi! I'm Calling to See an Apartment!
I have this conversation at least twice a week.
ME: Hello?
Hi there! I am looking for a one bedroom or a studio.
ME: okay, I have a one bedroom only.
okay, no studios?
ME: No, not right now.
okay, when?
ME: (omg)....not sure really, I do not have any coming up.
okay, so do you have a one bedroom?
ME: (omg....I said that already).....yes, I sure do! Would you like to take a look at it?
Sure! I am not there though, can I come by at 7pm?
ME: uhhhh...just call me. How many people is it for?
ME: (what?????)..ohhh yeah, well we cannot have 6 people in a one bedroom. I'm sorry.
But they are kids! They dont take up space.
ME: (omg)....I'm sorry.
7pm Comes, my phone rings.
Hi! It is me from this morning! The one with the kids? I am here to see the apartment.
ME: Hello?
Hi there! I am looking for a one bedroom or a studio.
ME: okay, I have a one bedroom only.
okay, no studios?
ME: No, not right now.
okay, when?
ME: (omg)....not sure really, I do not have any coming up.
okay, so do you have a one bedroom?
ME: (omg....I said that already).....yes, I sure do! Would you like to take a look at it?
Sure! I am not there though, can I come by at 7pm?
ME: uhhhh...just call me. How many people is it for?
ME: (what?????)..ohhh yeah, well we cannot have 6 people in a one bedroom. I'm sorry.
But they are kids! They dont take up space.
ME: (omg)....I'm sorry.
7pm Comes, my phone rings.
Hi! It is me from this morning! The one with the kids? I am here to see the apartment.
A key could have helped too you know....
Another day another adventure! This is for everyone in the world that is renting an apartment, that isn't yours to break. This could have been avoided with a drop of patience. The guys were on their way to fix your door, but you decided to "fix" it yourself. not cool....
Here's the thing. We heard you the first time you mentioned this issue about the door. Which was less then 12 hours ago, on a Sunday. Now we have a bigger issue, due to the "do-it-yourself-without-telling-anyone" mentality. It is fixed, but please, in the future, don't break it. It kinda pisses me off :)
Everyone Needs a Little Love!
There are funny stories, sad stories, unbelievable stories and also, we have heart felt stories.
This is one of them. It's amazing how when you think things are stressful and things hit you all at once, you kinda get a feeling of being lost. God provides rays of sunshine that come at the perfect time. In this case, they were two one day old kittens. These little babies came into all of our lives at the perfect time.
The first one we got is Tasu. He has grey stripes, and is very sweet. HE is bigger then his sister, and a lot more quieter! He loves to sleep, and as soon as I put him down, he passes out. Great kid. HEre is a picture of our new addition Tasu:
Our next little love is Chione. She is a LOUD little girl! She is amazing, sweet, and did I mention LOUD? (hehe). She is the tiny one. Very strong though. She was found under a stove in a vacant unit. Poor thing was cold as ice, but she is doing great now!
They wake up like newborn children every two hours at night, but they are so worth the tired days that follow. Being a woman, there are these needs to care for people and living things around me. These Kitties are definitely giving me that!
I am so happy to be able to help these little kitties. They are amazing. And have such cute little personalities! I will be posting updates and images on how these little kitties are doing throughout their stay here.
If anyone has some good advice or just wants to check in the babies, let me know! Anything will help get them big and strong! Especially Love!
This is one of them. It's amazing how when you think things are stressful and things hit you all at once, you kinda get a feeling of being lost. God provides rays of sunshine that come at the perfect time. In this case, they were two one day old kittens. These little babies came into all of our lives at the perfect time.
The first one we got is Tasu. He has grey stripes, and is very sweet. HE is bigger then his sister, and a lot more quieter! He loves to sleep, and as soon as I put him down, he passes out. Great kid. HEre is a picture of our new addition Tasu:
Our next little love is Chione. She is a LOUD little girl! She is amazing, sweet, and did I mention LOUD? (hehe). She is the tiny one. Very strong though. She was found under a stove in a vacant unit. Poor thing was cold as ice, but she is doing great now!
They wake up like newborn children every two hours at night, but they are so worth the tired days that follow. Being a woman, there are these needs to care for people and living things around me. These Kitties are definitely giving me that!
I am so happy to be able to help these little kitties. They are amazing. And have such cute little personalities! I will be posting updates and images on how these little kitties are doing throughout their stay here.
If anyone has some good advice or just wants to check in the babies, let me know! Anything will help get them big and strong! Especially Love!
New Blinds are NOT an emergency!
I try to be helpful. I try to respond to all calls and emails as soon as I can. But sometimes, people do not understand that I have a life too. I specifically stated that my hours of manager operation, are from Monday-Friday, from 9-5pm, unless there is an emergency. This means, Saturday and Sunday do not apply. Maybe I was not very clear on what an emergency really means.
Let's make a list of what constitutes and emergency, shall we?
1. Leaks. If there is a leak in your apartment, please call me. This can potentially become a huge problem.
2. Break-Ins. This can speak for itself.
3. A dead Body in the hallway. Duh.
4. An alien invasion. Please let me know ASAP.
Now that we have those emergencies in order, lets discuss the "non-emergencies"-
1. People digging through the garbage. I know this can be annoying to hear the bottles dropping at 6am. I understand. But, tell them to leave. I do not need to be the only one, all the time, especially if you are capable of speaking.
2. New Blinds. We all need them eventually. This is not a catastrophic event.
3. Outside noise. I am the manager of the building, not the city. This is completely out of my control.
4. A Roach. This one is a fine line, so I understand that it can be nerve racking. If you see a roach anywhere in the building, kill it and call me in the morning. This is the city after all, and there are bugs in LA. I can get that taken care of, no problem. But not at 3am.
5. A light bulb, really? I don't think I even have to get into this one.
Now that these examples are up, I hope sleep can come a little easier for me. Like I said, I really don't mind helping out. I will do as much as I can within my capabilities to make sure that everyone is happy here. But there are hours on my door for a reason. Thanks, and have a good day :)
This is NOT a picture of me by the way, but it does explain how I feel after being woken up for an "emergency"..hehe
Let's make a list of what constitutes and emergency, shall we?
1. Leaks. If there is a leak in your apartment, please call me. This can potentially become a huge problem.
2. Break-Ins. This can speak for itself.
3. A dead Body in the hallway. Duh.
4. An alien invasion. Please let me know ASAP.
Now that we have those emergencies in order, lets discuss the "non-emergencies"-
1. People digging through the garbage. I know this can be annoying to hear the bottles dropping at 6am. I understand. But, tell them to leave. I do not need to be the only one, all the time, especially if you are capable of speaking.
2. New Blinds. We all need them eventually. This is not a catastrophic event.
3. Outside noise. I am the manager of the building, not the city. This is completely out of my control.
4. A Roach. This one is a fine line, so I understand that it can be nerve racking. If you see a roach anywhere in the building, kill it and call me in the morning. This is the city after all, and there are bugs in LA. I can get that taken care of, no problem. But not at 3am.
5. A light bulb, really? I don't think I even have to get into this one.
Now that these examples are up, I hope sleep can come a little easier for me. Like I said, I really don't mind helping out. I will do as much as I can within my capabilities to make sure that everyone is happy here. But there are hours on my door for a reason. Thanks, and have a good day :)
This is NOT a picture of me by the way, but it does explain how I feel after being woken up for an "emergency"..hehe
The Soaked Singer
So we come to a situation that I have no control over. There is someone here that loves to sing. I don't mind actually, but the resident upstairs does. The singer sings, a lot, I mean...A LOT in the front of building. I personally like how he plays, but I don't hear him all day. The complaint is this: "Gina! He won't stop singing! It's the same song for the past ten years, and it's making me crazy!"
I figured something was going to happen between the singer and the complainer. I was right.
I get a phone call during my coffee date with my honey, and the singer says"Gina, I'm going to knock him out! He threw water on me!" oh boy, I say to myself. Here we go. I say, "listen, singer, there is not much I can do about this situation. You sing a lot, and it's annoying him now. If you guys cannot get along, then take it to the street, or discuss it like big boys". I'm sure my response was not very professional, but at the same time, what can I do? I am not a referee, or a mediator, or their mom. I can simply suggest that they come up with a solution where everyone is happy.
I see the water thrower in the hallway and ask him why he did that to the singer. His response, "Because he doesn't stop, and I hear him in my dreams"
Trying not to laugh, I say, "okay, so what is another solution to this situation?" He suggests, "throw more water?" I did chuckle inside, because I had a different idea.
Oh Man...This is not going to end friendly. But seriously, I cannot do anything about this. There is nothing I can say or do to either party to make them shakes hands and be friends. I can just hope that no one gets beat up in the hallway.

I figured something was going to happen between the singer and the complainer. I was right.
I get a phone call during my coffee date with my honey, and the singer says"Gina, I'm going to knock him out! He threw water on me!" oh boy, I say to myself. Here we go. I say, "listen, singer, there is not much I can do about this situation. You sing a lot, and it's annoying him now. If you guys cannot get along, then take it to the street, or discuss it like big boys". I'm sure my response was not very professional, but at the same time, what can I do? I am not a referee, or a mediator, or their mom. I can simply suggest that they come up with a solution where everyone is happy.
I see the water thrower in the hallway and ask him why he did that to the singer. His response, "Because he doesn't stop, and I hear him in my dreams"
Trying not to laugh, I say, "okay, so what is another solution to this situation?" He suggests, "throw more water?" I did chuckle inside, because I had a different idea.
Oh Man...This is not going to end friendly. But seriously, I cannot do anything about this. There is nothing I can say or do to either party to make them shakes hands and be friends. I can just hope that no one gets beat up in the hallway.

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