About Me


New Blinds are NOT an emergency!

I try to be helpful. I try to respond to all calls and emails as soon as I can. But sometimes, people do not understand that I have a life too. I specifically stated that my hours of manager operation, are from Monday-Friday, from 9-5pm, unless there is an emergency. This means, Saturday and Sunday do not apply. Maybe I was not very clear on what an emergency really means.

Let's make a list of what constitutes and emergency, shall we?

1. Leaks. If there is a leak in your apartment, please call me. This can potentially become a huge problem.
2. Break-Ins. This can speak for itself.
3. A dead Body in the hallway. Duh.
4. An alien invasion. Please let me know ASAP.

Now that we have those emergencies in order, lets discuss the "non-emergencies"-

1. People digging through the garbage. I know this can be annoying to hear the bottles dropping at 6am. I understand. But, tell them to leave. I do not need to be the only one, all the time, especially if you are capable of speaking.
2. New Blinds. We all need them eventually. This is not a catastrophic event. 
3. Outside noise. I am the manager of the building, not the city. This is completely out of my control.
4. A Roach. This one is a fine line, so I understand that it can be nerve racking. If you see a roach anywhere in the building, kill it and call me in the morning. This is the city after all, and there are bugs in LA. I can get that taken care of, no problem. But not at 3am.
5. A light bulb, really? I don't think I even have to get into this one.

Now that these examples are up, I hope sleep can come a little easier for me. Like I said, I really don't mind helping out. I will do as much as I can within my capabilities to make sure that everyone is happy here. But there are hours on my door for a reason. Thanks, and have a good day :)

This is NOT a picture of me by the way, but it does explain how I feel after being woken up for an "emergency"..hehe

1 comment:

  1. An alien invasion? Waah, that's a worldwide emergency! LOL! Well, being an apartment manager means dealing with lots of responsibilities and concerns. Although dealing with blinds is not an emergency, it is a need that will require attention. Oh well, it's a part of being responsible for a place. I hope you're doing well now. :)

    [Roxie Tenner]
